La Vergne High School Band
Established 1988
Band Banquet 2024
The annual Wolverine Band Banquet is an event you will not want to miss. Let's make this a magical night for our students as we reward their accomplishments from the season. All band members are invited to attend our end of the year banquet (concert band, jazz band, color guard, wind ensemble, percussion ensemble, marching band and pep band) along with parents and family members.
Band Banquet Details
This special evening will be a celebration of a great year. We will recognize our students for a continuing the great tradition of our band program.
The events will include the following:
>A catered meal
>Recognition of students for their contribution to the Wolverine Band
>Presentation of Awards and Band Letters
>Senior Students Tribute
>Video 2024 Marching Band Theme
>A dance after the festivities
>Band Superlatives
>Recognize our 9th Grade Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Band and Percussion Ensemble
Band Banquet Details:
Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Time: 6pm - 9:30pm
Location: Multi-Purpose Building
5093 Murfreesboro Rd
LaVergne, TN 37086
Ticket Price: $20 per person (allowed to bring two guest)
Dress Attire: Formal
We are excited for our Wolverine Band Banquet. Please fill out the survey below so that we can get an accurate head count for meals and how to plan for the banquet.
Click on the survey button link below to fill out the survey.
Please complete the survey before Friday, March 22nd, 2024.
Band superlative are finally here! This year we, once again, put together an online survey for you to take. Please fill out and vote for your Wolverine Band Superlatives as much as you can.
Please try to be serious as you can about your votes. Feel free to omit questions if necessary but answer as many questions as you can. We realize this may take a bit of time to fill out, but the more responses the better the results. Keep in mind that some of the superlatives may not be announced due to the lack of responses.
Also, we are going to present the awards only to people who will be present at the banquet. So make sure you purchase your ticket so you can get the award you deserve!
Please vote by clicking on the Superlative button below. Make sure to tell your friends to vote.
Thank you for your time and we hope to see your responses soon.
We will need a few volunteers to help us make this banquet the best it can be for our band/guard students. Please click on "Volunteer" to help us plan for our banquet.
Band Banquet 2024:
At the end of each school year, a band banquet is held to celebrate the accomplishments and successes of the Wolverine Band programs. The Band Banquet is hosted solely by Band parents who volunteer their time in order to make the celebration meaningful for students, and parents.
There is much work leading up to the event, and many hands are needed in order to ensure a smooth and sparkling evening. Volunteers will:
Plan menu, decorations, and logistics.
Communicate with outside vendors (caterer, etc.)
Promote event.
Execute event, including set up, clean up, and properly thanking venue for their hospitality.
Plans and coordinate’s theme, menu, decorations, program, and favors.
Plans, coordinates, and manages production of annual band banquet for LaVergne Band students.
Contacts Chaperones Committee chair to arrange for parent supervision of the event.
Band Banquet Survey
Band Superlatives
Volunteers Needed